Paige brown
9/4/2012 10:01:13 am

Genetics-all living things inherit their physical and biological characteristics from their parents through heredity.The study of heredity is a branch of science called genetics.They have to do with who you are because DNA carries genetic instructions for the construction and function of every aspect of an organism.Regards to your own health knowing your gene pool can help you know what risk to be aware of

matthew woodard
9/4/2012 10:50:58 am

Genitics,a discipline of biology, is the science of heredity and variation in living organisms. It is important to know because i have genes from my mom and dad.

Cooper Warren
9/4/2012 08:59:33 pm

Genes are passed down from your parents and are what you are made of. It's important to know your genetic makeup because if you know certain diseases run in your family, then you can be tested for them. Early detection is important for your health.

9/5/2012 08:51:27 am

Genes are passed down through generations another way of saying is genetics and you should know if a certain illness runs in your family for you can check to see if you got that same illness

Rebecca harwell
9/5/2012 07:46:13 am

Genetics are passed down through family generations. They are passed on to you from your parents. It is important to know about your genes so you know of any deseases or health issues that have been through your family branch.

Emma MacPhee
9/5/2012 08:41:56 am

Genetics are passed down in family's from generation to generation. They show where you came from and who you are. It's important because then you know what has been passed down and it could be helpful in the future.

Casey kurent
9/6/2012 10:16:37 pm

Genetics are pased down down from generation t

Casey kurent
9/6/2012 10:21:17 pm

Geneticts are Pased down generation to generation.they come from your family and it is very important to know that because it could help you in the future.genetics can be as simPle as knowing we're you are from to knowing who you great grandfather is

John Tucker
9/6/2012 06:21:42 am

Genetics you inherit from your parents. They are your skills that your parents have, such as curling your tongue or sports. It's important to know your genes so you can know what your maybe good at or what you can do.

Alexis Evans
9/6/2012 07:05:01 am

its skills that come from your parents like sports or smartness

Alejandro Alvarado
9/6/2012 07:59:30 am

Genetics is the properties and phenomena of an organisam or it is some spiecal ability that you get from your parents

Orlahn Fabien
9/6/2012 11:54:59 am

The properties or features of an organism, characteristic. Genetics determine who you are because you get them from your parents. You need to know because youll know what characteristics you have.

9/9/2012 08:45:04 pm

Genetics are passed down from generation to generation and you get them from your parents.


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