Mikayla Landers
9/4/2012 07:22:03 am

Genetics is the study of heredity and the differences among organisms that are related. It has to do with you because it makes up your genes. Genes determine who you are and what you are like, like your hair color. You should know your gene pool because it is the line of genetics. If one of your family members, for instance, had cancer, you have a higher risk to get cancer than someone who's family does not have a history of cancer. You need to know your history to take precautions to keep you healthy.

myla bence
9/4/2012 08:26:21 am

Genes are genetics they make up how you are.
If someone in your family died or had dieses you could get it you might get it you might not. You need to know about it because if you don’t you could get it and think it is nothing when it is something big like Huntington’s

Lauren Carter
9/4/2012 11:14:02 pm

Genes are what make up you. They have to do with ur health cause if someone in your family has a diese then you might have it in your genes and might get it.

Peyton Gallian
9/5/2012 05:41:44 am

Genetics are in your dna. It is very important in your family.

Sarah MacPhee
9/5/2012 10:59:43 am

The study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics. Genes make up of what you are and everyonre is different in a way. It is important to know your gene pool beacause you need to know if any diseases are in your family so you can look out for them.

9/5/2012 09:09:18 pm

Genetics are what make you. they build up what you are in a your own way. well one person in your family could have bad allergy's but if you dont know the genetics you wolnt know if you will too.

9/6/2012 03:56:15 am

The gent ices

Cat Morris
9/6/2012 05:43:31 am

The genetic properties or features of an organism, characteristic, etc: "the effects of family genetics on the choice of career".

Kaitlyn Defoe
9/6/2012 06:55:13 am

the gencic properties or features build up what you are in your own way.

Joey Sansone
9/6/2012 10:45:44 am

Genetics are your DNA. It effects me because it makes me look like I do. It is important to know your gene pool because you will know that if one of your family members had a disease it is more common than regular to get that disease.

Devlin jackson
9/6/2012 09:26:14 pm

Genetics are the makeup of who I am. It makes up the color of my skin, hair and mind. It is important to know what genes are in your pool, because medical conditions like cancer or talents such as music or art are transferd to your gene pool...

Valentin Gaytan
9/6/2012 11:18:16 pm

Genetics are what make you who you are. Genetics have to do with you are because without your genes you would not be who you are. It is important to know your health regards in your gene pool because you could have a sickness you never knew about which could make you very sick.

joshua wingo
9/7/2012 12:10:57 am

genetics are DNA. It makes me how I am. Its important to know your gene pole because it can affect your life.

9/9/2012 07:04:33 am

genetics are what make up you in your own way.if someone in your faimly gets sick you could too.


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